Blog Archives

7|52 A Little Snow, Week 7 (Feb 12-18, 2012)


It snowed a little through the night and these are a few views just outside my patio door today. I see 2 eyes, nose and hair in the bottom right photo, do you see it?

All taken with my iPhone.

36|365 The Shadow (2/9/11)

We got about 6 inches of snow today in OKC.  Since snow is unusual for us, I feel the need to get photos of these days.


In our backyard.  A grassy plant with the hammock’s swinging shadow behind it.

31|365 All In Stride (2/4/11)

Since I didn’t have to be at work until 9:00, I had another day with more time in the morning.  It was so nice to have extra time to read my newsfeeds, facebook, email, pay bills, and get ready for work.  Just before I was getting ready to leave, I opened the blinds and saw it was snowing, again!


During my afternoon break at work, I stepped outside the lounge onto the balcony to get a good view.  The snow didn’t deter people much, they were out and about.  Their footsteps clearly show their intents to get to their destination. Using my iphone, I snapped a couple of photos to show that most of us have taken the weather all in stride.

The photo is a combination of two photos that I stitched together using Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.  You’ll need to view this photo in the larger view to see the details.

Of note today:  I’ve been craving Greek food for weeks and finally got it today!

29|365 That’s the Point (2/2/11)

I’m not fond of freezing cold weather, it’s painful no matter how bundled I get.  Protective footwear was required for me to move the snow and make a pathway from the front door to my car.  My husband’s huge boots seemed the perfect choice.  With my pant legs tucked into the boots, I traipsed outside following in the footsteps he made earlier today.  The oversized boots made the job quicker.  Part of my mission was accomplished but I still needed to get my daily photo, which I was determined to do no matter how frozen stiff my fingers were.
That cold northly wind created fascinating angles with the snow.  The shadows and extreme contrasts lead our eyes where to look.  That’s the point.

Of note today:  Keith made irresistable oatmeal cookies!  I spent time researching, again, my brickwall: Adam Bauman born 1795 somewhere in Pennsylvania and married Elizabeth Nigh about 1820.
comment point

28|365 Snow’s the Focus (2/1/11)

Work was canceled today due to inclement weather and I stayed inside in my warmest wool sweater.  The blizzard is THE news here in Oklahoma.  It’s 10 degrees outside with a windchill of -8.  We aren’t used to that.


This morning I sat inside my house by the back patio door and set my camera to a faster shutter speed so the snow wouldn’t be a blur rather snow’s the focus.

Of note today:  The cat took naps. Keith took a nap. I took a nap.