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My mom loaned the book How to be a Christian without being religious by Fritz Ridenour to me several years ago and it has been in my nightstand waiting for me to finish it.  I’ve read the first many pages several times over the years but never seemed to make it through.  It’s on my mom’s list of favorite books and I’ve heard her talk about the concepts in it for as long as I can remember.   I’ve decided to read the books on my Mom’s favorite list.  So, with my cat purring by my side, I finished reading this book this week.  It’s an easy read and, for me, the concepts are what I was raised understanding.  When my mom described herself and beliefs in the “About” section on her blog she said:

Although I am a deeply spiritual woman and much of my writing will reflect that aspect of me, for the most part, spiritual or reflective blogging will be published on my other blog, Notes from Life’s Journey. Although I participate actively within the framework of a traditional Christian church, I chose to characterize myself as spiritual rather than religious. That choice was made due to my understanding of religion as an organized system designed to bring people into alignment with God [or whatever name the participant uses for deity]. I believe the Christian tradition is not so much about a religious system that leads us to God, but is about God reaching out to us. The best expression of this concept came from a book I read many years ago written by Friz Ridenour called “How to be a Christian Without Being Religious. — Donna Brown

I’m glad I read it and now on to another book on her list.


337|365 Reading Together (12/7/11)

Camping and reading are two family favorites and this is one of my treasured Christmas ornaments that has been on our tree since our kids were toddlers.  We read to our kids from the time they were infants until they could read silently on their own.  Reading a few books before bedtime was a special time together.
