20|2013 Tasks Before Us (June 3-9, 2013)

In some ways this week was more calm than the past several yet it was equally as hectic, which doesn’t make much sense yet that’s the way it seemed.

Debris pickup began on Monday and if you pay close attention each day you might have seen a difference.  There is just so much that has to be done it takes huge amounts to be noticed at all.

We have all our utilities working, which is fabulous.  Unfortunately, our water heater isn’t working properly and that means we don’t always have truly hot water so we’re going to need to replace it soon.  Keith’s been working on all the details of what to purchase so the general contractor can start repairing our tornado damaged home.  By Friday the GC began repairing the roof joists and will be finished with the repairing and re-roofing next week.

We debated on whether to stay home to work in the yard picking up more debris so we can mow and do some flower garden repair or go to the lake to finish painting the outside of our home at the lake.  We settled on going to the lake because we thought the scenery would be much more peaceful than here at home.

As I walked around the area of our lake place I saw a red topped mushroom that reminded me of fairy tales where personified toads, I think, used them as houses.  The white spot on the mushroom, in a cartoon drawing, would likely be a window.


My Dad went with us to the lake and was a tremendous help in completing the painting job.  The place looks years younger now.


One of the other activities that Dad and I did was go through some of the old coins that he and my Grandmother collected.  The oldest one we found that evening was a ‘half dime’ dated 1853, which I think is fascinating but it isn’t very valuable.  We also found a really cool token from the Lame Coyote Saloon in Bliss, Oklahoma.  The town of Bliss is where my Grandmother was born and the town no longer exists. I wish she was still here for many reasons, one of which is so I could ask her the history of these things.


We still have many tasks before us but it helps to see the progress of what we have accomplished to date.

About kbea831

I love collecting family stories and photos.

Posted on June 10, 2013, in Family History, Lake Texoma and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Cool. The Lame Coyote Saloon sounds like one of those places you need to research for more details. It’s certainly an interesting name.


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